Robert C. Morgan * (2020)

Your work is becoming increasingly more secular, which I believe is positive.

It is also unpredictable and inscrutable -- both good!

The feeling is abstract like Dvorak. You offer the invitation to enter and soon it begins to break down or construct itself in a new way.

The feeling is positive, but also in suspension without a clear definition, yet knowing it exists.


* Robert C. Morgan
currently teaches at the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan and is an Adjunct Professor in the Graduate Fine Arts Program in the Department of Fine Arts at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. He is also a well known art critic , concurrent with his writing,Morgan is an active painter working with geometry and light.






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Catalina Chervin
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Catalina Chervin, Catharsis

Robert C. Morgan

Catalina Chervin

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Robert C. Morgan


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Catalina Chervin
Atmospheres and Entropy: Works on paper

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Catalina Chervin - Ceciia de Torres LTD.

Edward J. Sullivan. / Art Nexus

Catalina Chervin

Marietta Mautner Markhof
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of the Quotidian

Edward J. Sullivan. Dean for the Humanities
Professor of Fine Arts New York University

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Catalina Chervin

Robert C. Morgan (Art Critic, poet and artist)

La línea y el color en dosis justas

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The Writing of the Invisible

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Catalina Chervin and the
Writing of the Figural

Guillermo Cuello. Artista Visual. Pintor

Catalina Chervin

Alina Tortosa

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Catalina Chervin, a road to freedom

Rafael Squirru